Knowing the problem is not enough

The other day I had a conversation with a neighbor. She’s renovating her house and she mentioned that one of her big problems is mildew. I asked whether she has a dehumidifier. And, you guessed it, she does not. If you have humidity, which leads to mildew, then do something about it.

There are many people out there who know exactly what the problem is, but many of them don’t find a solution. I am sure you have experience with this situation. For instance, how many people have you met who complain of having headaches or stomach issues or fatigue (and I mean on an ongoing basis), yet don’t go to the doctor?

How many companies or organizations know they have a customer communications problem, yet don’t update their website, survey their members, create a new brochure, train front line employees or whatever it takes to remedy the situation?

Awareness is important, but action is the only way to move forward.


About Deborah Brody

Deborah Brody writes and edits anything related to marketing communications. Most blog posts are written under the influence of caffeine.


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