Weekly communications #fail: losing momentum

Momentum is a physics term, which means that speed or forward motion of an object is equal to mass times velocity. In everyday usage, momentum is the strength or speed gained by motion or a series of events (here is Merriam-Webster’s definition).

Momentum is good for marketing–it helps you build up steam and propels you forward (gets you new business, more readers, bigger audience, etc).  But if when things are starting to speed up,  you apply the brakes, you (like your car) will quite literally slow down (lose momentum).

Losing momentum is a marketing killer.

How do you lose momentum? There are many “brakes.” Here are few examples:

Not returning inquiry calls: If I call you for information, I am what they call a warm prospect. By not calling me back, you are losing me. By taking your sweet time to return said calls, you also lose momentum.

Not following up:  In mid-December I attended the inaugural event for a new DC networking group. It sounded good and I provided my email, saying I would be happy to help organize an event. I haven’t heard ONE word from them. They haven’t held another event. They lost momentum.

Changing your terms suddenly (dashing expectations): Say you always get bread served at your favorite restaurant, and suddenly, the restaurant decides to cut costs and there goes the bread basket. It may have been what you enjoyed about the place, and now your expectations are dashed. You may not return.

Not blogging (or Tweeting or posting on Facebook) for months: You started your blog, and you had lots to say. And then you stopped posting. Any readership (or followers) you had, will dwindle. You lost momentum.

Whenever you do something that slows down your interaction with a prospective customer or client, you are losing momentum. That is a marketing/communications failure.

Have you experienced lost marketing momentum? Please give me your examples in the comments.


About Deborah Brody

Deborah Brody writes and edits anything related to marketing communications. Most blog posts are written under the influence of caffeine.


2 thoughts on “Weekly communications #fail: losing momentum”

  1. Great post. Persistence and, to an extent, predictability, are vital. Building a loyal following requires a tolerance for silence–just because people don’t speak up by commenting on your blog or telling you they like something, doesn’t mean they’ve checked out. Optimism is a great ally.

  2. Hi April,
    Persistence and predictability do help your momentum. And yes, realizing that silence is not always equal to passivity is important. However, not all silence is created equal. If I call you, and I don’t hear from you back ever, I can only assume you are not interested in my business (or that you have been abducted by aliens).

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