An easy marketing tip

Do you want to easily market yourself? I have a great tip: make your content (blog, website, social media stuff) shareable. I don’t mean that you should simply create stuff people want to share–which is a given–but make it easy to share. By this I mean have a social media sharing button/widget on your blog or website (such as the one at the end of this post). If you don’t know how to get one, here are a few to try:

You can find other individual service sharing buttons at this Wiki: recently started its own sharing widget.

Find one that works with your blog/website and deploy it. By allowing your content to be easily shared, you will increase your reach. The word to note is EASILY.  There are ways I can share your content without your help…but if you make it easy for me, then I will most likely do it. And that is why you create great content, right?

Important clarification for WordPress users : If you have a blog (self-hosted), you may be able to find these buttons as plug-ins. users CANNOT use plug-ins, but can add these manually to each post or find the sharing button.



About Deborah Brody

Deborah Brody writes and edits anything related to marketing communications. Most blog posts are written under the influence of caffeine.


2 thoughts on “An easy marketing tip”

  1. Brilliant, Deborah. I’ve been looking for one that works simply, and love that Add to Any has a WordPress plug in. Have installed, and finally have one working the way I want.

    Good topic… –Daria

  2. Pingback: You may be overlooking something « Caffeinated ideas and views on marketing communications

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