WOTD: Vacuous

Over on Twitter, lots of people tweet out their word of the day. Today’s word for me is: vacuous.

Merriam-Webster gives the following definition:

1 : emptied of or lacking content
2: marked by lack of ideas or intelligence : stupid, inane <a vacuous mind> <a vacuous movie>
3: devoid of serious occupation : idle

I am thinking of this word because I have been seeing so many vacuous blog posts lately. Vacuous because they lack intelligence. For instance, I read a post today about improving your Facebook page. One of the tips was to fill out all the information required. If that is not vacuous, I am not sure what is.

I can certainly use vacuous in a sentence when it comes to social media. There are many vacuous tweets out there. Your social media profile makes you look vacuous. And so forth.

You should not assume that your reader knows everything, but you also should not assume your reader knows nothing. The latter promotes vacuous comments and posts.