The 6 Truths of Content Creation

Between content marketing and content strategy and content creation, content is everywhere. These days, it seems like the one thing that will solve your communications and marketing problems is content. And really, who hasn’t heard the phrase “content is king?”

The truth is it’s not enough to write some stuff, call it content, and post it on your website and social networks. You’ve got to work a wee bit harder than that.

Here are the six (hard) truths of content creation:

1. It’s not enough to create content–you have to have a reason behind it (also called “content strategy”).

2. It’s not enough to create content–you need to have quality content, which means that it  should be useful and/or relevant and/or interesting. And don’t forget, it MUST be well-written (yes, grammar matters).

3. It’s not enough to create content–you want content that attracts attention and gets shared. Boring, irrelevant stuff is not going viral any time soon.

4. It’s not enough to create content–you need to make sure that people can find it (thought about SEO lately?) and can share it (where is your “tweet this” button?).

5. It’s not enough to create content–your content should help (answer questions, give relevant information) your customers, supporters or advocates.

6. It’s not enough to create content–you need to measure it (don’t you want to know what is working and what isn’t?).

What rings true to you? Let me know in the comments.

Want to have a more effective blog? Attend the next How to Write Your Blog workshop on November 12 in Washington, DC.  Learn more and register today!